Anna Jarvis, Mother’s Day creator and West Virginia native, was deeply involved in the health of her family and her own mother’s primary caregiver. Anna Jarvis established Mother’s Day to honor her mother, and to honor all women who daily advance the health and well-being of their families, neighbors, and communities.
Health insurance coverage is key to women’s access to health care, overall health, and economic stability. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of women across the country who did not have health insurance before are now able to get affordable, quality coverage through Medicaid.
In West Virginia, the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion implemented in 2014 gave tens of thousands more women the peace of mind knowing that they had insurance coverage and would be able to see a doctor for check-ups and health care.
West Virginians for Affordable Health released a Mother's Day Fact Sheet highlighting the ways Moms rely on Medicaid.
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