WVAHC would like to thank the West Virginia House of Delegates, bill sponsors, Health and Finance committee chairs and members, for passing HB2266, which expands Medicaid coverage for women up to 300% of the federal poverty level for a year postpartum.

We appreciate you making West Virginia moms on Medicaid a priority this legislative session by extending their care during a crucial time for the health of moms and babies! 

Extending coverage to a year is what will get mothers to necessary post birth appointments that they wouldn’t otherwise make. New mothers can’t afford to pay the cost of those appointments out of pocket and no one should have to go without the care they need because they can’t afford it. Having this extended coverage can help reduce maternal morbidity and prevent unnecessary postpartum illnesses and diseases. 

Our state is moving forward in a positive way to protect mothers and their children by moving this forward. We believe you have healthier children by first having healthier parents. We want to encourage our state leadership in the Senate to continue to make decisions that protect the people of our state and improve the lives of West Virginians by passing HB2266 and sending it to the Governor’s desk for passage!

Julianne Yacovone


I do not want a Twitter account, Kelli Caseman said she wouldn’t leave me alone until I created one 😑